Sunday, June 7, 2015


I've said in this space that I plan to link some the best stories about Hillary as we go through the next several months.  There are so many that it's sometimes difficult to choose, but Frank Bruni's column in today's NYT is a cut above.  You can read it here.

The title is "Hillary the Tormentor".  How appropriate.  Here's a good quote:
"And it’s different from politics as usual. It’s politics as a peculiar form of psychological torture, because the Clintons have a way — it’s their trademark — of being the best, most exciting vessel for people’s hopes even as they make those people feel icky about their investment in the couple."
He doesn't talk just about Hillary of course.  Because it's a package deal.  Hillary, Bill, Chelsea, and the Foundation.  Tie them up with a bow.  And the Foundation has done some good stuff.  Frank describes it pretty well.  But then he says what anyone knows who's been paying attention:
"Until you peek inside and behold a convoluted braid of public service and personal aggrandizement, a queasy-making brew of altruism and vanity, a mechanism for employing loyalists and rewarding friends, a bazaar for favor trading. Straightforward admiration is no longer possible." 
So we have a long time to go to the election and more will emerge.  And there are a ton of people who will hold their noses and vote for her because she's a democrat and a woman.  If you're in that category you're probably not reading.  But if you have a brain and possess reason, keep watching her campaign unfold.   It will stink more and more.  It will make you cringe.  Deep down you know that the country doesn't need another Clinton Presidency.  It will only draw us farther apart than Obama has already done.  And if you cringe and vote for her...well then you deserve what you get.

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