Saturday, January 23, 2016

Ted Cruz, F**king Idiot

There is a good profile of Ted Cruz in today's WSJ.  I think it pretty much nails him.  You can read it here.

There are just so many things that are unsavory about him.  And scary.  Here's the quote that resonates with me:
"Mr. Cruz’s critics on Capitol Hill believe he converts differences over strategy into crucibles of purity and principles, and then goes on to assail his opponents as dishonest, illegitimate or motivated by bad faith. Thus he says GOP leaders opposed the 2013 ObamaCare shutdown because they were closet supporters of the entitlement, not because they thought the tactic was futile and would mislead voters about what was politically possible.
In a word, they think he is a supremely self-absorbed show pony."
As in many things I go back to my roots.  Can't remember where I heard this but it's supremely true.  In a Navy ready room, there are two types of guys (guys in the generic sense).  There are "good shits" or "fucking idiots".  And everyone knows the difference.  Ted Cruz is a fucking idiot.

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