Sunday, January 31, 2016

Tomorrow It Begins

The run up to the Iowa caucuses have been going on for months and months and months.  And months.  Is there anyone who isn't tired of it?  The ups and downs.  The agony of the debates.  The media spin.  The blame game.  Like I said...most want it to be over.

So it finally begins tomorrow.  After that things will start to accelerate.  Who knows where it's going, but it seems that this year is pretty difficult to predict.  But what the hell.  What do I have to lose.  So here goes.

Bernie wins tomorrow.  And will win New Hampshire in a few days.  But I think he fizzles after that. The Dems aren't going to let a socialist represent their party, even if a significant number of them have gone over to the dark side.  And even if Hillary is indicted, which absolutely should happen but probably won't, Bernie can't be the standard bearer.  Where do they turn if she's out?  Beats me.  So this one is pretty difficult to predict.

As if the other side was easier to predict.  I think Trump wins tomorrow.  But Rubio has a surprisingly good showing.  Cruz?  He does well but I sense people are starting to realize what a sleaze he is.  Maybe that's hopeful thinking.  New Hampshire?  Trump could do well but I think it's all about who does good enough.  Rubio, Kasich, and Christie have real chances to make a mark.  Question is who will do it.  I think the other big question is who gets out and when.  The field has be narrowed.  So some of these guys gotta go.  After New Hampshire?  Don't know.  Check back.  I'm hoping it becomes a battle between Rubio, Kasich and Christie.  But I'm not naive enough to believe that.  The other two jackasses will hang around.  Question will be when and what knocks them out.

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