Thursday, January 31, 2013


I've not paid much attention to all the hoopla surrounding the nomination of Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense.  After all, the President, any President, usually gets approval for those he nominates for his cabinet secretaries.  They are all vetted very carefully.  They have to be qualified, right?  And the political climate is such that if the President has a majority in the Senate, they'll all go along like lemmings.  And I think that will be the case here.  But I ran across this analysis tonight.  I didn't get a chance to watch his hearings (I work for a living) but this review is pretty scathing.  The reason I think this is serious is because the guy who runs this blog is serious.  He is a respected voice.  So I started looking around at other web sites and blogs...lots of really bad reviews.  Lots of comments that reflected the first analysis.  So like I said, he'll be confirmed.  The Dems, as well as some Republicans, will fall in line.  After all, he was a member of the club.   But it does give one pause.  We're entering times of peril in defense spending.  Now more than ever we need a smart, measured, steady, consistent, strong SECDEF.  I'm just not sure Hagel is the guy...

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