Tuesday, January 5, 2016

School is in Session

As things have spun out of control on the world stage, the focus seems to always come back to the Middle East.  Lots of American blood and treasure has been left in the deserts across the Levant.  It frequently seems like a quagmire in which there is no way out.  If you've read this blog at all you've heard me harp on the lack of a strategy by the current crop of National Security geniuses.  I won't go into all the retreats, the stumbles, the wrong turns, the capitulations, etc, etc, etc but suffice to say we've dug ourselves into quite a deep pit.  Of course it's not all our doing and many times over the last several years circumstances forced us to act and react in a way that put us at a disadvantage.    However, it is what it is.  Someone is going to have to deal with it.

I came across a great little summary of what is happening and what our position could be in one of my favorite blogs, CDR Salamander.  He really hits the nail on the head with this one.  You can read it here.    Read it all.  And if you've a mind, read the article he describes in the link in his first paragraph from The Spectator.  Both are very good.  So here's the deal.  Whether you like it or not.  Whether you agree or not.  We are in the long war.  It started in ernest around 1993.  It will not end for decades.  We are now at the point where we must start to execute smart strategies to survive.  Make no mistake.  This is an existential threat to you, me, our kids, our grandkids, and their kids.  It's not going away.  So you need to at least understand how we got here, who the players are, and what course of action we should take.  This article, in my view, is a very overview of those things and might help you in some measure to understand the threat and some possible responses.

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