Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Spiraling Down

My post of a few weeks ago on the Benghazi disaster detailed what seemed like a really bad situation getting worse.   Of course, the election came along and obscured everyone's vision.  Now, the dust has settled from the election and, although its hard to believe, but things seem to be getting even worse.  The Petraeus affair (do I really need to explain what's going on there?), the surprising inclusion of Gen Allen in a truly weird linkage, the running away from this issue by everyone who matters including Clinton and Holder...it's all a bit....unsavory.  It's almost as if someone has something to hide!  Or a lot of people have something to hide.  Now let me be clear, I'm not a conspiracy theorist.  But in this case, every time we turn around something strange crops up.  But maybe it's just me.

Here's my bottom line.  I get and can accept (it's difficult but I can do it) that during the battle (the 8 hour battle) there was confusion and maybe it was too difficult to get help to the folks on the ground (even though help was near).  But, I'm still really stuck on the fact that the security team in Libya asked for security assistance help and didn't get it.  Libya!  That is shameful and someone needs to be held accountable...

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