Thursday, November 1, 2012

Down To The Wire

Five days til the election.  There will be a frenzy of activity to convince the last few undecided voters.  But now it's all about turnout.  I've been thinking about four years ago and the feeling in the country when Obama was elected and took office.  I remember thinking to myself that he wasn't my choice but he was my President and I would support him.  His election was historic after all and he got a strong majority.  But he blew it.  He blew it big time.

I'm a big fan of Peggy Noonan and her writings every week.  They usually resonate pretty well with my thoughts.  Her column this week is coincidently in line with what I've been thinking about the last four years.  She is much more eloquent than me so you can read it here.  I think she nails it.  Somewhere along the line he "lost the room".

We don't know what will happen on Tuesday.  Most think it will be close.  And that could be true.  I have a feeling that there are an awful lot of people will go into the booth and pull the lever for the other guy.  They worry about the economy, about gridlock, about the obvious lies that came out of Benghazi, about where we're going, about you name it.  And they see in Obama an intransgient ego-maniac who hasn't been able to fulfill his grand promises and has systematically pitted Americans against Americans.  But we'll see.  I could be wrong.

But one thing is for sure.  If he wins, I won't have the same generous feeling I had four years ago.  And I think there are a lot of folks like me.  People who aren't particularly engaged in the political process who will start to work actively to stop what he is doing to our economy and our country.  The next four years won't be like the last.

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